18 years helping Emirati businesses
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About Floorplanner
Floorplanner is the easiest way to create 2D and 3D floor-plans, simply in your browser. over 25 million people already have an account
Im very pleased that Floorplanner recently added 3D renders to their software. I find it easy to use with lots of capability and quality graphics.
Sometimes it is hard to find the function wand.
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Great integration with business and awesome dev team
This software allows customers to build out their space with our products and visualize how they will look. This is an awesome tool that allows them to then share on social media which helps give us free publicity, especially so since none of our competitor's are using tools like this.
I found some of the designing features to be a bit basic and somewhat clunky. I also wish the room was 3D rendered without having to use the snapshot camera feature, although the camera itself is a nice tool how it's currently being used.
Great and at the same time very easy software to build your home
I made my future home project with it and it looks great!
Yes this is not CAD and most probably you will not be able to make final project for constructing, but least and not last you can play with design, choose shapes and structure, try materials, plan layouts and make calculations. You can do almost everything for the first steps of your project.
I am really excited and satisfied with this product!
There are numbers of home planning online software if you dont wish to use CAD or 3D soft. After about 30 minutes of search I found floorplanner. I needed next 10 minutes max to make a decision of purchase. Despite its really budget cost (only 4 euro) it is absolutely powerful, very easy to learn (it took me couple of hours to learn 95% of functionality), has huge material and items library and eventually using this software you are able to make a nice project.
There are some limitations on 3D insertable items, like you cannot rotate it on vertical axis, only horizontally, Editing is only available from the 2D top view, in 3D view you can only move object in 2 ways, no full freedom with walls - no possibility to create difficult shapes. Some other little things. However these points are minor and overall product is great 9.5 from 10!
Save your time
This was very easy to use and customize in some cases. It is an affordable option compared to SocialTables.
Honestly save your time - you can't customize the size/measurements of tables/chairs, etc. you may as well be using a word doc because you can fit as many tables as you'd like - nothing is to scale. I cannot tell you how many arguments and confusion we had between our operations team and our planners because of these floor plans. Go for AllSeated!
The 3D rendering is amazing
Comments: Being able to produce a photo realistic 3D render of a room and products is a huge benefit for us.
This is a very easy to use tool. From the first time I jumped in, I basically knew how to build and edit a room. Producing amazing realistic 3D renders of my rooms only takes a few minutes.
There are some features that were available in Floorplanner that we have been told will be going away once the switch is made to Roomstyler. These features are supposed to be returning at some point in the future, but missing them for a period of time is a downer. Other than that, this has been a great tool to use.
Easy to use product to create home plan
Comments: I was really amazed at how simple it is to use this product. I am using it to lay out and visualize the design of the loft in our new home. My wife and I were able to make decisions about which furniture to move from our existing home and which to eliminate, as Floorplanner enabled us to really see how the furniture would look and feel in the Loft. I showed it to my daughter and she was very impressed -- she is planning to use it to plan out some changes she wants to make in her home. I ran into 1 minor defect -- 1 piece of furniture did not render properly in 3D mode. I explained the situation on the feedback form and less than 24 hours later it was fixed. This is an amazing outcome!
Very intuitive and easy to use. Large catalogue of furniture. Great 3D renders.
There really aren't any notable cons. It is very intuitive. The only time I had to read the manual was to understand how to reposition the camera in 3D mode. Everything else was self-evident by simply "playing" with the software.
Free version very limited
Comments: Used it because there was really no other option for web based product.
Is cloud bases, so can be accessed by any device with internet connection.
Features in free version are so limited that is difficult to design even a simple home without paying for premium. Can only do one floor and dimensions have very difficult to change without messing up the whole project.
Basic account lets you do all that you need
Comments: We used Floorplanner to prepare for moving homes -- it helped us to visualize the space and make sure that our stuff would fit. Definitely more convenient than literally moving furniture all around the apartment just to find a fit.
The basic account -- which is for free -- allows you to do what you need! All features are available -- 2D drawing, 3D rendering, walls, windows, furniture, paints, etc. It's limited to 1 level, but really, it's usually all that you need.
A bit difficult to set-up room dimensions -- needed to do them manually. Furniture choices can also be more extensive -- which there was a way to change colors, but I assume that's a premium feature.
Comments: It was nice to use. I still use it. New projects take some time but they come out good.
I really liked the way it allows you to literally make any kind of plan you desire. It gives detail info about wall measurements and such. Helps a lot in making a material list. I used on my iPad mostly.
At times it was hard to move walls. If I had walls connected but were in different directions it would not let me move one side for some reason. In some cases I had to start all over.
Floorplanner, great software for interior design and planning
Comments: This is very useful software to plan furniture layout and finishes.
The easy integration with iGuide and wide range of furniture and fixtures available to drag and drop where you need them
I never managed to include / indicate the different levels of a floor when they are higher or lower than the other

Helpful for planning diagrams. You can not customize dimensions for furniture
Easy to use. There is little to no training required. There is a wide variety of furniture options. Color options are wide.
Without specific dimensions of furniture, planning set ups can be difficult. Sizes of furniture can be adjusted.
Can't Find anything better - Doesn't mean it's great
Comments: As a designer, I use Floorplanner quite a bit but I would like to find something that has more flexibility and options because I feel limited with it's features (especially it's furniture options)
It does what I need it to do - draw floorplans.
I would like to be able to import furniture and objects to add to the floorplans instead of having to pick from their limited catalog.
Easy to use
Comments: I discover FloorPlanner on an instagram ad and I really enjoy using it, I love that I can translate what I have in mind in just a few minutes
I like how intuitive it is to use. I also like the interface, it looks great. I like the choice of models in the library (but there should be more!)
Users should be able to upload their models/textures to the library. Limitations, I wish I could do as much as Sketchup but under this easier to use interface.
So wonderful to use!
Comments: I am able to design and create our space without having to learn a professional program.
I am always needing a tool like this, but don't have the professional skills to dive into a pro program. FloorPlanner makes it easy! Very Intuitive. I am working on a Mother-In-Law suite for our property and its a great tool to work from!
I wish there were better measurement tools. I also wish there were a way to combine projects to show the whole project. In our case, we have an upstairs, and a downstairs, and I don't see a way to combine those levels in the mockup.
Assumes you know what you don't,
Comments: Beyond disappointing. I spent several hours trying to do a very basic task that I simply cannot get to. I am going back to graph paper with a scale that makes sense and works.
It advertises nicely thank God it was free and after 2 hours of fighting it, I can give up with out having to fight for a refund
Everything. I attempted to start a project for my house, saved a name and a wall, it would not come back, it looped to the wizard, upload, and new 00 so I lost the wall. I wanted to establish a floor plan for remodeling ideas in a scale way -- the Tutorial for reading was pictures that did not match the program, it kept trying to upsell me, tried each of the menus, they were no help; got to a screen that allowed a drawing with measurements, but then moved off the line, had triangles and could not erase it so went backwards and now cannot find it again.
Put together a space in a snap!
Comments: I am grateful to have Floorplanner as a resource for my design business. The recent upgrades they have made to the programming opens the door to many more possibilities for designing a finished room.
Im very pleased that Floorplanner recently added 3D renders to their software. I find it easy to use with lots of capability and quality graphics.
Sometimes when importing a finished image it transfers over blurry, but eventually gets resolved. Sometimes it is hard to find the function wand.
Best Free Architectural Project Planner on the Internet
Comments: I use the software to design ideas for my dream house, as well to design my laboratory for production of biological supplies.
I love how intuitive the software is to use. I am not an architect, but I am an aficionado, and I still manage to get my ideas out.
I would like to have at least one free project with the multistory design tool. For this I had to buy the tool.
Easy to use
Comments: I love it! It’s truly making my planning for new office so simple!
I’m currently trying to remodel my home and home office for my business. This software is coming in so handy in preparing my new area. I’m a tangible planner and this makes it all so simple.
The integration into trying to use this as opposed to other software I’ve tried in my planning? So much easier.
Great tool for fast floor planning
Comments: I wanted to make a real floor plan of my house, with real measurements, so I can exactly figure out what should be on what position (when drilling a hole or something)
I liked most the ease of creating walls of the correct size, putting in windows and doors, and making measurements Scrolling around is also made very easy, including zooming in and out It is a online tool which works very fast and has lots of options
When exporting an image of the planned floor, I get an image with poor resolution (1000x700 or something alike) The automatic measurements are often distracting, cause they give other numbers than my paper floor-plan
Much easier (and more basic) than CAS
Comments: Love it as a cheaper and easier to use version of CAD.
Basic 2D floor plans are very easy to use on this. I used to use CAD, which would give me anxiety. Not with floorplanner. Much easier to use!!!!
Could use some 3D but i didn’t really need it for this project.
Great Program and pretty easy to use once you get the hang of it.
Comments: Will be using this for a new home construction website and I really think the viewers will love seeing the plans in 3D, it will help them understand more what the layout of the house it.
They have some great Youtube videos that help you understand how to import projects, draw walls, stairs, and how to label the rooms. I've enjoyed learning how to use this program!
The guys voice in the Youtube videos drives me crazy! They need someone who doesn't sound to boring :)
Designed a remodel with the software
I like how easy it is to use. We designed our remodel before hiring a draftsman to finish it and make it ready for permitting. We saved TONS of money and revisions by hammering out the basic design first.
There weren't a lot of options for adding furniture to give a sense of space. Without that it's hard to know if the size of room you're making is adequate.
avaliação de usabilidade
Comments: ótima consigo aprender muito meus desenhos
a praticidade de desenhar como aluna e soltar a aimaginação
não consigo exportar uma vez que uso como aluna e gratuito
Ottimo prodotto
Comments: Ho utilizzato la versione gratuita per progettare la mia casa. Mi aiutato moltissimo per rendermi conto degli spazi. Valido prodotto
Ho utilizzato la versione gratuita del programma. Non serve nessun installazione. Nonostante ci siano alcune limitazioni, permette di creare buoni progetti molto realistici
Nessun inconveniente degno di nota. Aggiornerei forse la libreria dei mobili
Eficacia y rapidez
La facilidad de utilización ante otros softwares conocidos
Las imágenes producidas hay que retocarlas con otros software aunque sea opcional
Para nosotros perfecto
Comments: Llevamos años usando FloorPlanner para realizar los planos de las viviendas que comercializamos y de las peritaciones que nos encargan. La versión básica cubre todas nuestras necesidades.
Facilidad en el dibujo de planos en 2D y exportación sencilla de los mismos a 3D. Posibilidad de amueblar los espacios para su presentación comercial
Realizan muchos cambios en la interface y en las funcionalidades. La mayoría funcionan bien y vienen a mejorar el producto, pero otras son un paso atrás.